Today I was riding at RB as always on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is because I want to ride 'with' the pack so that they can provide encouragement for me to go faster, but most often times, they are just too fast it gets rather sad. As I was getting my bike ready, a very fit guy rode up to me (his muscles are scary) and we cycled together. He is Cat 1 and has been racing since he was 13. He raced pro in Germany and France etc in the nineties. After chatting a bit, he wanted to ride with me and coach me in cycling! Base training, interval training, riding in group techniques etc etc. OMG, I have always wanted to ride with guys who are in Cat 3 or 2, but never dreamt of riding with a Cat 1 cyclist! Later some of his friends from the pack came and apparently they have all seen me cycling (embarrassingly slow) and said that I am a smooth and strong rider. This guy is really nice and seems patient, because I will clearly be super slow compared to him and my bike handling skills are still almost nonexistent. He also knows a lot of people and I shall be introduced into the pro cycling 'club'. Just imagine the tonnes of invaluable things I will learn and the opportunities! I am so stoked!!
it's good u have a new friend who is actually nice! what CAT is he btw?