Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ride to Baldy Lifts

Yesterday I wasn't planning on going for the group ride from Encanto Park-GMR-GRR-Baldy (with option of Baldy Lifts)-GRR-Efork-39 because my knee was still a bit swollen and I wasn't feeling very well. But there was SAG support and I haven't been on Glendora Ridge Road before and so I really wanted to go. Of course, being the last minute person that I am, I didn't make any room for traffic and arrived just as the group was rolling out. Luckily my awesome friend saw me and asked the SAG support person to take me in his car so that I won't be dropped behind. I was thinking that we'd stop at the intersection of Sierra Madre and GMR and then I'd get off and join in the ride. But the SAG support guy who is also very nice wanted to drive me to the intersection of GMR and GRR. I saw how hard people were climbing up GMR and having already done it multiple times before, I guiltily but gladly rode in the car :)

At the intersection, we waited for the group to arrive and when they did everyone was thirsty, hungry, tired and telling tales about their ride while I didn't even break a sweat ascending GMR and I felt so bad that I cheated. I thought that I need to make this up to myself somehow. And that happened when we arrived at Baldy Village....Not in a million years would I have thought that I'd do the ride from Baldy Village to Baldy Lifts. The thought of attempting such a difficult climb with an average grade of 9% for 5miles just never crossed my mind. But with some encouragement and the option of turning back if I can't make it I went ahead and thought I'd give it a try.

As we were climbing, a couple of folks were singing songs and saying how crazy it was to do such a climb and there was a motorist going down the opposite direction giving us thumbs up. I was surprised to see that some of the fast cyclists were not that much ahead of me and it seemed that everyone was having a hard time. After awhile, I was even more surprised that we only had 2miles to go! But the last 2miles were harder and felt a lot longer. For some reason, when I stand up to pedal, after just 2 strokes (if I'm already tired) then my legs would hurt because I could feel the lactic acid. So I never attempted to stand up pedaling during this climb. At the insane bends (why do they make these so steep?!) I pedaled harder and leaned more forward fearing that if I didn't, I'd roll backwards. During the climb, some cyclists gave up and turned around, another got off his bike and pushed it up a very steep section. I wanted to do that too but I know that it's cheating and I'd surely be disappointed in myself later. So I cycled on. My saddle was hurting so much and in general my whole body was exhausted. I think I was hearing ringing in my ears. I seriously thought that I was going to die of exhaustion. But giving up wasn't an option. The last 0.5miles was the most insane, I really had to do S shapes because otherwise I would not have gone anywhere except onto the ground. But end is in sight. And I made it to the top!!!

After having done this, I don't think that it was THAT hard because it was definitely doable. If even I can do it - who have in total being cycling for 6 months then I'm sure so can most other cyclists. At some point, I think it's extremely hard for everyone and it's simply the motivation to go to the finish line that carries people forward.

The descent from Baldy Lifts was a test as well. I was braking so hard that my hands were nearly numb and I had to pull my elbow outwards to get some more force. I descended quite fast, at similar speed to the experienced riders although it was not my intention to descend this fast :) We then rode back onto GRR and then onto 39. On 39, I was so tired from the ride that I nearly fell asleep at the bar ('wheel')....

All in all, a pretty awesome ride :)

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