Saturday, May 28, 2011

Horse Riding Accident

I went horse riding this Wednesday as I do every Wednesday night. I was assigned to ride New Jersey whom I haven't ridden before. My instructor said that he is quite bouncy and that we probably won't get to canter today. The trot was indeed bouncy but I soon got the hang of it. I must have done a pretty good job cos my instructor said that we can try the canter. I cantered him around one corner, the canter was fine albeit a bit fast. I then cantered in the opposite direction. The canter started off good but all of a sudden, New Jersey just took off. He looked extremely scared as if he's been chased by a pack of wolves. He galloped into an adjacent arena (Yes! I've galloped!) with me trying desperately to stop him calmly. That didn't work. We were fast approaching a fence with him still galloping at full speed so I turned him (or maybe it was he himself) to avoid the fence...At the turn I begun to loose balance and fall. I may have hang onto his neck for a millisecond and then I crashed my head on the fence and fell on my butt. The impact on my back was quite severe. I tried to get up but I couldn't. Everyone came over and asked me questions to see if I suffered a concussion. All I could think of was what if I'm paralyzed. I tried to move my legs, feet, arms and hands - thankfully I could move them all! But my back hurt so much...I was lead to the office and given an icepack and told to relax. It was then that I overheard people saying how they just found that part of New Jersey's hoof fell off - perhaps this was why he just took off? My instructor did say that it wasn't my fault and these things can happen without any reason. Then more people came and asked me what date it was? Who were you riding? Which horse do you hate the most now? I answered New Jersey. Which is the correct answer to give but honestly, even if I was paralyzed (and have to suicide) I still wouldn't hate him. Horses are not in this world just so that humans can have the pleasure of riding them!

I painfully drove home, at home I felt and saw a bump on the middle of my back. It didn't hurt at, perhaps it was always there? I wasn't too concerned since it was far from my lower back which hurt like hell. So off I went to have dinner with a friend. It was he who practically forced me to go to the hospital. I didn't really want to make a big deal out of it but admitted myself to the ER. After taking X-rays and CT scans it was concluded that I have a compression fracture on my L1 vertebra - compressed by 50% ouch! The doctor and nurse gave me crutches. I didn't want anything to do with crutches but was made to try them out - it hurt more than not using them. I told the doctor that I don't want them, the argument went back and forth for awhile, then I realized it was clearly not going anywhere and gave in. When I got home I left the crutches outside my apartment cos I didn't want to see them.

The next day, my two caring friends took me to see the orthopedic surgeon. The surgeon told me that this is a serious fracture and that the bump I can feel on my back will probably stay there forever :( He said the best chance for full recovery is if I'm immobilized in bed for 2 weeks. I was fitted with a back brace and there is no use for the crutches - so I happily ditched them. The following day I went to take an MRI, I had to stay in a tunnel for 30min with my eyes covered and ear plugs to block some of the loud noise (thankfully I had some music to listen to). Before starting this, the person taking the MRI kept on touching me with the apparent excuse of comforting me. I don't understand how does excessively stroking and squeezing others arms and hands gives the person any pleasure? But then again, there are many strange people out there.

I won't continue horse riding, to do so would just be plain stupid. If by any chance I fall off a horse in the next few months, then any injury compounded with this current one could be extremely serious. Fortunately for me my life does not revolve around horses, there are a lot of other wonderful and fun things for me to do - for instance cycling!! I can't wait to try out my clipless shoes and my new cycling gear. LG :D


  1. a friend vs two caring did the first friend get left out of the caring category given he forced you to go to the hospital and stayed till so late.

    plus u managed not to mention that i'm here.... = =

  2. well my friend kept on complaining about being there and had to state how good he was to be there, whereas my two caring friends never complained.

    You are so stingy! I was thinking of writing this as several parts, the accident, the recovery process etc. You will feature in the next part :P

  3. hmm... ur first friend sounds like me... although i'm not sure how it makes him less caring ...
