Saturday, February 12, 2011

Forever Young

Do you want to live forever? Do you want to be forever young? I would have eagerly said yes two decades ago (along with the promise that my family would also be 'forever young'). But now that I think about it, I'd be watching everything around me wither away, along with long forgotten memories as generations of human race come and go. And as millenniums pass by, the Earth itself would change, lakes turning into deserts, mountains into flatlands. I think the mystic and value of life would be lost if one was to be immortal.


  1. hmm... i'm not sure how entertained i am about the idea of immortality; but i certainly am scared about the idea of death (note it's not death itself but it's the fact of death).

  2. what do you mean by 'it's not death itself but it's the fact of death'?? I'm not scared to die if I die without any regrets and if I have accomplished what I want in life - otherwise, death would be daunting.
