Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another year has gone by

I'm writing this on the eve of my 25th birthday. I remember when I was 18 I thought I was already getting old and made a decision that I shall die at the age of 40 because I didn't think I could deal with aging both in terms of appearance and deterioration of health. As I look back on this now I can't help but laugh at my nativity and narrow-mindedness in viewing life.

For the past few birthdays, I've been feeling somewhat bitter-sweet as each one comes and goes. Bitter in that I hoped I have accomplished more than I have in the passing year and also as I come to a greater realization of just how fleeting life is. Sweet in that I have gained more life experiences and hopefully became a better person. Yes, I'm always trying to become a better person, although I can't exactly pin-point what makes one a good person. I guess that definition is rather subjective. But the acknowledgment of one's imperfections is a start and humbleness in dealing with others is also important.

Life is but a dream - time flies by just like that and sometimes you look back and regret the things you've done or worse you haven't done. Yet unlike dreams, we have control over our own paths in life and so my motto for the coming year is, learn from the past, live in the moment and hope for the future....


  1. happy birthday my dear hix!
    yes, yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, and so today is a present!

  2. yes, we have bright futures ahead of us! LG (life's good) :D
